When creating a json extract the different column names can be defined. This would be great that it does not have to be defined manually but dynamically, I see 2 possibilities: 1/ getting the column list from another extract or transform 2/ have a...
Maintaining the access rights for groups in the report manager is a real "pain" if you provide more than only 1 application or report to be selected by the users.
If a new group is created in the system manager you will have to go through all rep...
Translation: use default language in reports if system language not available for reports
Currenty if adding the feature multilanguages we has two possibilities: 1) Using the following formula: =PALO.DATAC(rngDB;"#__Translation";"Name";"1000130";rngLanguage) I translate the text in german and french. My default language is english. If ...
Rework formatting for dates, thousand/decimal separator and percentages in Jedox Web
Regarding the formatting I like to suggest a change request:
1) For dates: just follow the formatting of the cell for as well OUTPUT as INPUT. The same as Excel does. Now we have the situation in Jedox web that the input of dates must be in the la...
History of hierarchy and consolidation factors (weights)
A possibility to set consolidation factors depending of several dimensions would dramatically increase the slowly changing dimensions (SCD, see Kimball's bibles) management possibility of Jedox OLAP server.
in 2014 is my Regions hierarch...
When you show the report in "Reports", you will see two menus for saving snapshots in the Home tab. 1): XLSX snapshot 2): XLSX OLAP snapshot Since we expect users not to make export operations, the role permission "ste_reports" has been changed to...
Expand Domain constraints for attributes to further components of the Jedox plattform
The functionality to constraint attribute values via a Domain (currently available in the Modeler) should be also available
a) when uploading a dimension from a file with the Modeler,
b) when loading a dimension with Integrator,
c) when enteri...
Expanding the functionality of the knowledge database
The Jedox Knowledgebase is a helpful treasure chest of knowledge in my daily work. However, I do see room for optimization: 1. due to the size of the knowledgebase, searching for a topic always results in a large number of hits. This could be coun...
Autofilter on spreadsheet (on dynarange) - like Excel Autofilter
It would be great to add an Autofilter simular to Excel onto a spreadsheet (onto a dynarange). Current situation:
All filters in a Jedox Web spreadsheet have to be implemented manually one by one via dropdowns, subsets etc.
This is great to...
It would be nice to have a prefilled template with multi language template and maybe 1 template for all dimension instead of 1 template per dimension at the first iteration.