Fallback to default connection-database setting for Palo formulas
As a web report designer in a model I want all Palo formulas to use the system.connection and system.database model settings so that the key user of the model can easily change the database name in the settings. To achieve this today the web repor...
It would be pretty cool if the confirmation dialog in an action button could process html. This would make the dialog much more user-friendly, instead of just a flat text as it is now.
Global connections in Administration should be sortable / movable in the order
Since in some areas of Jedox the first available OLAP connection is automatically used - which should not necessarily be the main connection - there may be problems in displaying and calling these components. Therefore, there should be the possibi...
i can make a connection to a file in sharepoint but not to a sharepoint list we have our contract management in sharepoint as sharepoint listsand we need the status of a contract and other data in jedox actuall i have to use power automate to writ...
This is a partner request(Alvarezan): We request that Jedox highly consider a dedicated GraphQL connector to the Jedox platform. As discussed on the call, GraphQL is being used by the clients with whom we work, and we would like to use a direct co...
Posting Journal- Balance Constraint not aligned with Consolidation Rule
Current Challenge: Troubleshooting/ tracking the data is nightmare Root Cause: When a user create a manual journal entry and try to post the journal system throws error message "Invalid" with balance constraint "Legal Entity" and allows to post ev...
For new folder in File Manager, the default rights should be 'Deny' - No rights for groups except Admin
A customer expects, that by creating a new Folder in File Manager, the default rights for all groups (except Admin) should be denied - under Folder ->Properties->Security -> Full Control, Write and Read should be 'Deny'. #12369