when using a dynarange you often need to know how many rows are returned (for instance to hide the dyna when no rows are returned). this would me really helpful either to access the underlying dynarange formula, or having a function getting the re...
Power BI Connector cannot use ClientCredentials authorization method
The Power BI Connector cannot use ClientCredentials authorization method and therefore only offers less secure connection options. For large security conscious organisations this makes the PowerBI connector unusable for security reasons. This abil...
Schedules : Have an option to only send failure notifications
Hi team, We have set notifications so that our daily schedules send a status of their execution. It mainly sends success emails that we don't care about. Basically we would like to choose whether we want success notifications or not. Many thanks
Add packet size option on Snowflake relational load
Hi all, When loading data into Snowflake, it inserts lines by small packet of lines. I wish I had a parameter in the load to set the "Packet size" manually to a higher value when I have to deal with large amount of data. Many thanks
With Mac getting so prevalent in the business environment, Jedox Excel Add-in should work in the Mac environment as well as the MS OS. This feature is probably more important than working in Google sheets
Automate by scripts or the web console, imports and exports from one environment to another (Web reports, database, security ...) without performing a restart of Jedox Setup (“Repair”)
Jedox is using a customized Groovy implementation.
This does not contain all functionality of groovy!!!!!!
The documentation
does not state a hint that not all native groovy functions are...
Sometimes you have very granular rights for users in place or bug reports which need to be tested from the users perspective. Since you don't know their password you have to copy their groups into a test user first and log-in with the test user. T...
A Canvas is meant to be a public report. If you accidentally choose a private view, you will not realize your Canvas will not work for others in your own testing. This avoids a whole bunch of failed reporting issues.