Investgate the cause of crash from crashdump, log file
Issue : Currently, can't investigate the cause of crash server from crashdump, log file.
In order to investigate the cause, we need the following information
1. Jedox log folder.
2. Crash dump files.
3. requests.txt file (Jedox Suite\olap\data).
This would be great to be able to deactivate filters in Extracts. For instance, Extract cube, I have 3 rows, and I want to remove the 2nd temporarily. At the present time I have to delete it, I would like to be able to deactivate it only.
As part of the field transform, it would be helpful if the net working days selection option could be provided as an additional unit in the DateDuration function and this would output the number of weekdays between two dates.
Use Version Type instead of Version Name for Rule Template KPI calculation (by Version)
From, section KPI calculation (by Version), there was a note that "for this query type, the version dimension must have the specific name "Version". This naming requ...
Users would benefit from an easy way to set up custom data validations, similar to the setup of consolidation rules. E.g. the amount on a PnL Account needs to match a movement on a BS Account.
The ideas portal is currently quite hidden within the downloads section of the support portal. Not everyone has access to the support portal so adding a link to Jedox Web would also make it visible to a better variety of user types.
Active by default - option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" in Dimension upload wizard"
It can be less dangerous to set the option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" active by default when elements are uploaded to the dimension. We have encountered several issues when hierarchies with multuple parents were destroyed, be...
Add log information to E-mail Templates in the Scheduler
I'd like to see some log information in my E-mail from Scheduler, i.e. i'd like to see any warnings executing my job. I can not find a template/variable for that in I ...
First of all the new Jedox Web Actions are a super improvement! Additionally it would be great to have a "start macro" action. (instead of assign macro) This would enable us to start a macro with a confirmation dialog at the beginning. Thanks a lo...
When someone created a schedule, it should also be added somewhere in the logs so that it will be easy to create within the organization if we have more than one person with admin accounts
Hi Team, Recently I encounter an issue, where someone with admin account created a schedule job with changed time and username, due to audit purpose we need to identify how did that as we have more than one account having admin rights. But as jedo...