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Jedox Ideas

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Including Python 3.x for Skripting (e.g. Field Transforms, Job Skripts, Loads,...) additional to the current Groovy / JavaScript

Including Python 3.x for Skripting (e.g. Field Transforms, Job Skripts, Loads,...) additional to the current Groovy / JavaScript
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 2 Not Planned

Investgate the cause of crash from crashdump, log file

Issue : Currently, can't investigate the cause of crash server from crashdump, log file. In order to investigate the cause, we need the following information 1. Jedox log folder. 2. Crash dump files. 3. requests.txt file (Jedox Suite\olap\data). ...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Not Planned

Activate / Deactivate Filters in Extracts

This would be great to be able to deactivate filters in Extracts. For instance, Extract cube, I have 3 rows, and I want to remove the 2nd temporarily. At the present time I have to delete it, I would like to be able to deactivate it only.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Future Consideration

Add formats ability in Canvas label

When adding a label to the canvas, it seems to format everything as a general format with ability to format the font and font size. I had a few occasions where I needed to use an expression and format the result in the label (e.g. expression - =TO...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Workflow/collaboration should be shipped with the platform

Hi, workflow/collaboration should be shipped with the platform. It should be easy to use. It is such an important part of a FP&A tool. Jedox should not rely on a bulky Model here.
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Notes to financial statements

Extend the storage to capture reporting positions for the notes (text narratives and tabular information) which cannot be captured by the existing cubes. Provide sample data and reports for the most common notes sections.

Guided user interface for data validations

Users would benefit from an easy way to set up custom data validations, similar to the setup of consolidation rules. E.g. the amount on a PnL Account needs to match a movement on a BS Account.

Add Strategic Planning in BPA Foundation or Finance

The strategic planning approach that is used in OnePlatform should be integrated in our Best Practice Accelerators, as enhancement of the existing Version management/ Create Version section. With that, customers should be able to create new scenar...

Storage, input screens and import interface for data by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions in the Finanical Consolidation model

The database should be extended by a storage of data in local charts of accounts by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions. Data should be captured from input screens.

Foundation - Workflow - Add a landing page "my Activities"

Background: Currently the end-user/planner can get an automated email to enter jedox during the workflow process, but cannot see within the planning report for what version, year, profit center, what cost center, etc. they have to enter data if th...
9 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Foundation 0 Future Consideration