Jedox integrator - Same features for "Insert columns" as in Extract
Currently, only in the "Extract" elements within Jedox Integrator the "Insert column" feature has very good functionality. You can select all elements, deselect all or just select certain columns into your Extract. But within the "Transform" eleme...
XML editor - option to show all code of the ETL process
Currently the XML editor is limited in functionality: Find and replace is missing (there is a separate idea for this: JS-I-1557) The XML editor can only show the currently selected ETL element, e.g. job, transform Solution: Have a drop-down in the...
a warning that would inform that generated rules (from rule templates) have been deactivated (due to syntax errors, or missing elements for instance) would be really helpful
By adding Jedox Logs to the OData Hub, users could access the logs from tools like PowerBI instead of the only the console. This would also allow to integrate logs in automation.
Designer: option (settings) to hide the tab bar and the file title
To give the user more height space on the screen and to be clearer, you should provide the possibility to hide the two UI elements (tab bar and file title).
It would be helpful, if one can duplicate user roles in Jedox. Thus, it is easy to create new roles with just a few adjustments by using existing roles as templates.
As a Data Integrator, I want to see the previous runtime executions in the monitor after the job/load's name was modified and executed.
Currently, if I run the job/load, change the name, run it and check the previous execution (with the initial n...