Open a frameset from another frameset (via hyperlink) - dynamic frames
Hi, Our client was interessed by the menu list and wanted to mask the the menu. I thought of the presentation of the Accelerator Model. But when you select a report in the menu (in the start page), the report opens. Then, when you click on the ico...
The text is cut off for a report with a long text/comment, as you can see in the screenshot.
If the user tries to scroll down to read the whole text, it does not go down; instead, it goes to another cell. The user still cannot read the whole text.
You support the Splashing commands for thousand ("k") and million ("m"). We have a customer, who enters very large numbers, so that a command for billion (e.g. shortcut like "b") would be very helpful to enable the customer to enter values like 3b...
I would like to have the possibility of 1) Filter the rules list 2) Have the rules list remember my column order 3) Have the rules list remember my ordering of rows 4) Make the rules list remember which element it is on. Currently it jumps to the ...
Conditional / Fallback source for form elements (dynaranges, combobxes, lists etc)
Problem / Use case: It is often required to have a conditional source in a form element. A dynarange/list/combobox might show only elements, when certain selections in the POV match some checks In large nested dynaranges only base elements of oute...
subset: attribute filter - select area of application to all/consolidated/base
Possibility to select application area of attribute filter - all/consolidated/base. UseCases: Only Base: for combobox, dynarange - display complete hierarchy, but base elements under consolidations are displayed based on attribute filter. Only Con...
Table Join (left outer) - Checkbox to show only nulls on right side of join
To do this currently requires a Table View step to filter out records that are not null on the right side of the join. It would be simpler to have a check box next to the join type that only shows up when 'left outer' is selected. When checked, th...