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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1282

Grant user access to an entire model

Currently, user access for a model in reports and integrator projects has to be defined in different places. It would be helpful if access to a model could be granted from a single location.
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Change the cubes order to alphabetical when a new cube is created or layout is changed

In the form "New cube" the "Available dimensions" box the current cubes order is by creation date, earliest to latest (see the att. file New cube.png). In other forms the cubes' lists are ordered alphabetically (e.g. Modeler/<database>/Cubes...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 1 Future Consideration

Timestamp every downloadable content if we decided to

The main goal of this idea is to put a timestamp on every file that could download in jedox(like DB or integrator project(xml)), this could ease some process and increase the traceability. Here is it : First, in the setting each user could define ...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Future Consideration

Version management - copy version from several cubes

when you want to copy a version to another you often need to copy several cubes and not only one. It could be interesting to have this functionnality: Copy version from several cubes (ex: loop constant Table)
over 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Foundation 0 Future Consideration

Documentation to customise BPA models

It would be helpful to have a documentation in order to customise BPA models.
over 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Foundation 0 Future Consideration

Limit cubes in DataFilter of Subset Editor

The dropdown to select cube in the "Data Filter" tab of Subset Editor lists all cubes in the current database, even those which don't contain the dimension for which the subset is created. Using a cube without this dimension doesn't make sense, an...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Create an easier way to tag and assign resources to workbooks

Right now, you can only do one at a time. It would be great if there was a method to select multiple/groups of workbooks to either mark with a tag, or set resources
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Add tooltip and/or other visualization for long component names in Integrator

When building complex Integration projects, if you have long component names , it is sometimes impossible to differentiate between similarly named long source components. The following features would help: Tooltip. There should be a tooltip on the...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Add data validation to add Element attribute form

Add data validation to the attributes listed in the Add Element form when popup form is selected. It should be activated when using "cell range" as the target to populate the form. If there is data validation on that cell, it should use that data ...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Add UpdateRuleTemplates Option to Cube Load Settings

Instead of having to add a separate JedoxDatabase load to jobs involving Jedox Cubes, add this option to the main settings fields in the Cube load. I have many times run jobs that update data to Jedox Cubes where I forgot to manually update rule t...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration