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Jedox Ideas

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New Subset option: Show all missing parents/ancestors up to root level

When filtering e.g. by free text name or attribute, it's very typical that the result might only show base elements or elements from different levels. In dimensions, consolidated elements (i.e. parents/ancestors) usually provide additional, useful information (e.g. organizational structure in an "Employee" dimension) that a user might want to see, even when searching for some specific text.

There should be a new subset option, that would auto-add all missing ancestors of the elements that are found by all other filters. It would basically be like multiple hierarchy filters, where each found element of the original subset would be its own hierarchy filter with mode "above".

Note: Probably there should be a way to omit certain elements or levels, e.g. add missing ancestors up to level 1, or respect a given hierarchy filter even with this option enabled.