Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
Please add system cubes and cubes with system dimensions to new views / dynatables.
In most customer projects we have a cube named "Report Management" with 2 dimensions: Report and #_GROUP_. The dimension "#_GROUP_" is a system dimension which includes all user groups of the system. This cube allows to define which user(group) has access to which report. e.g. only employees from HR are allowed to view HR reports. only employees from Sales and controlling can view reports with revenue details, etc.
Another example:
I would like to view which user has access to which legal entity. I can view this in a spreadsheet view, but not with dynatables.
I would like to view this data in a dynatable. Currently if I create a new dynatable it shows me only the version "Reports", but not "#_GROUP_". I can view the data in a spreadsheet view. View screenshots.