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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Canvas
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 5, 2024

Canvas - set standard variables for all comboboxes

Currently I need to add for each combobox manually a variable. It would be great and easier for beginners and reduce clicks if a variable is automatically set for comboboxes.

I create a new combobox with subset Version. Then it should set the target to @varVersion.
If I create a new combobox with Subset Month it should use @varMonth.
If I create a new combobox Product it should use @varProduct.
For Channel -> @varChannel
For PnL Account -> @varPnLAccount
The end user can still change it, but does not need to set it manually.

View this related idea with it: