Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
Currently when I want to add a variable or a named range or a static value I need more clicks in jedox components than in older spreadsheet versions. It was possible to enter or copy paste named ranges, comboboxes, static values into the fields, but it is not possible anymore. Please allow again that we can enter or copy paste into the entry files.
As a user I was much faster in older spreadsheets than today.
I create a combobox.
Add the database connection.
1. Choose "named range" as I cannot enter or paste the named range.
2. Search long list
3. Select named range rngDB
Add the hierarchy filter:
1. Choose "Variable" as I cannot enter or paste the named range.
2. Search long list
3. Select variable varProduct.
Add data filter with (only) dynamic year:
1. Select variable as I cannot enter or paste the named range.
2. Search list
3. Select variable varYear
Spreadsheet (earlier versions):
Add the database connection.
1. Enter rngDB or Paste rngDB.
Add hierarchy filter:
1. Enter Variable name or Paste variable name varProduct.
Add data filter with (only) dynamic year:
1. Enter variable varYear or Paste varYear.
Those are tasks I perform to create one combobox. Especially as I am creating multiple components you feel the time difference differs strongly as how fast you used to create content previously vs today. How much more time you need. So the time to value increased.
This is in many compontents: in Comboboxes, in Labels, in Dynaranges, in KPI cards, in subsets (in database connection, hierarchy filter, attribute filter, text filter, data filter, sort filter), ....