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Jedox Ideas

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Lookup with Intervals

In Lookup function new option "Use Interval" (False/true) If set find the row where the value is between the from of the row and the next row. 10 a 20 b 30 c For value 5 -> default value if set For value 25 -> b For value 35 -> c Option to set if numerical or alphanumerical Or new Function "LookupInterval" #11822
    Jul 2, 2019
    Planned for 7.0 #11822 - Done in Jedox 7
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Missed that already a couple of times. Would make building dimensions especially (but not only) for financial statements a lot easier as ERP systems often only provide an account range which makes up a line in a balance sheet or PnL statement. Sorting this out can be quite annoying.