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Jedox Ideas

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Status Already exists
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 21, 2021

Show variables used in ETL-jobs, loads, process-steps in FlowGraph

In integrator it would be very helpful to be able to see the variables that are used in an integrator process in the FlowGraph. This could be shown in each job/load or even next to each integrator step in the FlowGraph. This gives you a better overview of variables that might need to be set before running. Currently, you can only see where a single variable is used when you select that variable itself.

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2024


    Would anybody please care to reply to my last message? This feature does not exist in Jedox yet and would be very helpful.



  • Guest
    Jan 24, 2022

    Hey Martin,

    Thanks for the reply, but that's not what I meant. When you have large ETL-processes you cannot hover over every step in the FlowGraph to find out what variables are used. And even if you do, it would be very likely that you miss one. What I suggest is a box or legend in the FlowGraph that depicts which variables are used in the steps prior to loads or jobs.



  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2022

    Thanks for the idea. This feature already exists in Jedox.