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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


Jedox Cloud

Showing 78

Give only the admin group a D right for newly created databases

Currently every group of the user that is creating a new database (= database in modeler and also every new rgrp or fgrp) will get a D right for the newly created database. For security reasons every user on our platform is asigned to an azure gro...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Access & Rights Management 0 Future Consideration

Development life cycle (Deployment, Versioning, GIT, Comment, Testing,)

Hello Together, as a developer, I would like to be able to have a native development life cycle within jedox that enables me to synchronize specific components between my servers. Additionally, these changes should be tracked and commented. Compon...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration / Jedox Cloud 2 Future Consideration

Customize contact link in login Page

It could be great to change some link in the login Page. Especially the contact. Because, the final user who came to have an access, a question or to report a problem without having an access will click on the "contact link" and send mail to jedox...
26 days ago in Jedox Platform / Access & Rights Management / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Future Consideration

Customize login page

Actually, we could only change logo, bakground color, add message text, add banner. It would be better if we could customize the login page adding our own link, or remove existing link. Published a link standalone instead of studio by default The ...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Access & Rights Management / Cloud Console & Administration 3 Future Consideration

Hide Model Button to User

It would be great, if there is a possibility to hide the Model Icon in the top toolbar. We don’t use the models and our users are confused with a button to a white page.
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Access & Rights Management 0 Future Consideration

Add more metrics about OLAP server and SSS in Cloud console

Performance monitoring are available in the statistics section in the cloud console. But some statistics about olap server and sss are missing (all the statistics available in on premise plateforme) : NB USER simultaneous Workbook Etc ...
21 days ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Daily Backup possibility for postgres database

We are using a prostgres database to save details to our daily bookings. Unfortunately through a failure in an etl-job the database was deleted. So I tried to restore the data through the daily backup, but I noticed that the daily backup do not sa...
22 days ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Capacity to manage multiples Active Directory in Cloud

When we are facing prospect with many subsidiaries, they often have their own Active Directory. Jedox does not support it. Some of our competitors (like Board) offers this functionnality which penalizes us on deals.
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Cloud 1 Future Consideration

Option to keep logs for more than 30 days

Option to keep logs for more than 30 days. Currently all logs are deleted in the console after 30 days.
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

CLOUD | API for cloud console logs

Dear Jedox, I believe it is very useful to access the log files within the integrator. However, accessing the log files is no longer possible due to Kubernetes infra. It would be nice to have an alternative. Would it be possible to create an API f...
almost 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Cloud 8 Planned