Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
It could be great to change some link in the login Page. Especially the contact. Because, the final user who came to have an access, a question or to report a problem without having an access will click on the "contact link" and send mail to jedox instead of team developper. Can we have the possibility to change this link by a pre-sending email choosen by the admin ? This customization could be done through the settings menu.
something encoded like this : onclick="window.location.href=XXXXX@XXXXX.XX
Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog.
Adding support for certain html tags in the value of the ‘Daily message’ parameter would be enough to resolve the problems encountered.
Could the idea be merges with the following one: https://feedback.jedox.com/ideas/JS-I-1963?