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Jedox Ideas

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Customize login page

Actually, we could only change logo, bakground color, add message text, add banner.

It would be better if we could customize the login page adding our own link, or remove existing link. Published a link standalone instead of studio by default The actual setting is not enough. It would be great to do whatever we want for the login design and item ( like a canvas for exemple ) keeping username and password item.

    Feb 14, 2025

    Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. While full customization of the login page is unlikely, we will consider usage of links.

  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2025

    Could this idea be merged with the following one:

  • Guest
    Feb 12, 2025

    There are cases where customizing the login page is useful. For example, when user authentication fails because the user is new and has not yet been declared in the application, the user is taken to the login page.

    It is now possible to add a ‘Daily message’ in Settings. But it's only a text message. For a better user experience, it would be interesting to be able to insert:

    • a link to a customer's URL like a site for managing access to the customer company's applications,

    • or "mailto" link to make it easier to send an email to a functional administrator.

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