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Jedox Ideas

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Planning & Analytics

Showing 222

Build reports faster - allow data entry

Currently, when I create a report I have many selections and have to click multiple times until I have the correct variable/expression selected.Across the components I often need to select: a variable, a named range, an expression, etc. In earlier...
13 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Descriptions or tooltips for canvas cell styles.

There are currently almost 30 cell style buttons (some having very similar names) and while creating a new report. This can only be done when you open the stylesheet file in the Configuration Reports folder. SUGGESTIONS: Suggestion 1: We add a too...
15 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Responsive Frameset or canvas

To create a newer modern navigation we need a responsive Frameset. Please check OnePlatform navigation or Best Practice Accelerator navigation. This navigation page (view in screenshots) is used in most customer projects. It is not responsive or m...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Show error message when user inputs an invalid search term in Canvas search.

Enter an invalid search term in the Canvas search bar. Observe that system just shows a blank box, no warning message. Expected behavior: If the user's search term does not yield any result, the system should ideally show an error message such as ...
15 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Data Preview in Modeler Cubes

It would be amazing to see a data preview on cubes in the modeler like a tabular view in the integrator with data preview and max rows. For testing and debuging I would really often use this - but now I have to download the cube each time if I wan...
15 days ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - Buttons with images

When I add an image (native component) to a canvas report I would like to allow the end-user to click on this image to open another report. Therefore please add actions so it can be interactive.
11 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Native Canvas Input Field

I think it would be very helpful if a native input field was created and added to the list of native canvas components. My vision for this would be a input field you could drag into a canvas which the end user could type into. This input would be ...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 5 Future Consideration

Drill anywhere: save output as CSV/XLSX

Drill anywhere is a really useful feature of Jedox. But at the moment, it can just be used for viewing the output in a separate pop-up window. It would be a much appreciated feature if it was possible to download/export the output as CSV/XLSX.
13 days ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Syntax improvements for list creation

When creating lists, there are a lot of limitations as of now. It is not possible to use proper functions in (dynamic) list creation (Excel-like functions like LEFT, but also PALO functions like PALO.EPARENT). Also, there is not enough documentati...
13 days ago in Jedox Platform / Views / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - Excel export

What: In canvas it is currently not possible to export a report to canvas. With a spreadsheet report it is possible to export the report to excel. Why:It is an important feature for our prospects and customers and one of the main reasons why they ...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 3 Future Consideration