Hyperlinks from outside the models should link into a model no matter in which namespace it is installed
Hyperlinks from the outside into Models report/files work only if the model installed in the global namespace. Link to reports to models in other namespaces than the global namespace don't work due to the fact that namespaces are isolated from eac...
Automatic Scroll to the top when page is refreshed with "shorter" contents
A problem irritating many customer employees — and sometimes even me — is that the scrollbar remains "long" and you find yourself at the bottom of an empty page when a filter is changed so that a page that was "long" before is now "short". Then th...
Report distribution via email along a given dimension.
Lot of our customers are requesting this functionality, where for example we would need to send the report of a given cost center to its manager. Currently, it is somehow possible using scripts, but we could not get it properly working. So if we c...
I would like to propose a feature where Freeze panes can be disabled in designer temporarily. Reason: Freeze panes is a pain when developing a report/template, while it is key in many final front-end products. We see that when doing fixes it is of...
Time editor: Parallel hierarchy for dummy year elements 2022-~ and 2022-00
Current solution: Currently using the time edior to add the dummy elements 2022-~ and 2022-00, etc. will result in a hierarchy "All months > 2022 > 2022-01, 2022-02, .., 2022-~, 2022-00". This result leads to the issue that it is not possibl...
It would be nice to be able to decide which function of the report toolbar should be shown to the enduser. Right now, it is only possible to show/hide the complete toolbar. Could be useful when the enduser only wants one of these functions availab...
Data protection concept when downloading documents
Hello team, When downloading documents from Jedox to excel, for example, there is no possibility to sign or add a note in the document.Therefore, from the security perspective it is important for the companies that the data extracted is confidenti...
Schedules : Have an option to only send failure notifications
Hi team, We have set notifications so that our daily schedules send a status of their execution. It mainly sends success emails that we don't care about. Basically we would like to choose whether we want success notifications or not. Many thanks
Fallback to default connection-database setting for Palo formulas
As a web report designer in a model I want all Palo formulas to use the system.connection and system.database model settings so that the key user of the model can easily change the database name in the settings. To achieve this today the web repor...