As a customer, I would like to be able to access the SVS Editor via Administration (<CTRL>+<M>) and not under Modeler (<CTRL>+<P>). Reasons:
1. Security: ste_olap is the only way to restrict access to the SVS editor. Secur...
Make spreadsheet function involving cell reference in paramater usable in PHP
There is a lot of spreadsheet function we can't use in PHP with application like : application() - > isformula("A1") Instead of "A1" we could put an paramater that select the cell A1 like the class range, like this :application() - > isformu...
Copy files from folder group to folder group/drag and drop
Hi, I am missing a funktionality to get files from one folder group to another in Designer. Copy and paste only works within a folder group. Drag and drop would be even better :)
Ability to access the Status Monitor of the Integrator using dynaranges/views (so similar to just access a cube)
For a better overview of the run Integrator jobs, we would like to be able to access their status via dynaranges/views. At the moment, the only option we have is the feedback window which opens when an Integrator job is started via a button action...
Currently the size of the pop-up window is far too small in relation to monitors normally used in an office environment.
a) Maximize size automatically
b) Create possibility to define size sumhow (at least in some ini/config file or system variable)
Improved show dimension names during input
It would be nice to receive information about the dimensions when inputting a function:
after inputting,Cube, ...
the system would show the name of the dimension below the cell. (the way the different arguments o...
show hierarchy in combobox but restrict levels for selection
Often I want to show the user the hierarchy within a Dimension to help him navigate to the desired element.
What I often don't want is that the user is able to choose one of the hierarchy levels I show him.
I want to restrict him to only select a...
Add Interactive and Engaging 3D Charts to JEDOX WEB
To make charts in jedox web more user-friendly and engaging, adding the feature of 3D charts is a great place to start. There are few charts types in Excel which are unavailable in jedox web and adding those features to this software will leverage...