Provide support for creating Tornado, and Funnel Charts: various types, often used with sales funnel data. Please review the attached mockup for reference.
Adding a paste function from the drillthrough within a report to the query settings in a paste view.
Entering the correct coordinates in a query can be time-consuming. It would be useful to have a feature that allows you to paste coordinates directly from a drillthrough within a report, or even a hyperlink that automatically populates the query w...
It would be helpful for me to have the possibility to export a Stored View (I mean the definition of the view, not the values) and import it to another cube (maybe on a different database or different server, or in the same server/database).
Dynatables/New Views - Different version and year in columns
In planning reports I want to compare my budget with the Actuals of last year. I do not want to view the budget of last year as it is outdated. Please introduce the possibility to show in dynatables different versions and years. So Actual 2023 and...
Influence chart scaling and axis label format dynamically based on the users activity on the report (his filter settings etc.). I would like to set axis min/max based on variables. (see attached mockup)
Provide the ability to define themes for charting in Jedox Web, allowing users to define default styles for chart components such as titles and labels and define custom color palettes to align with corporate branding and style guides.
Canvas: dynamically zoom / adjust content to fit and utilize screen space
Extend Canvas layout and Frames with the capbility to optionally zoom content in / out if screen space is available or limited. The zooming should probably be controllable for individual objects, i.e. ability to enable/disable per object.
Add the ability to launch an action from a contextual menu
Today, when you click on a numerical value in a report, a contextual menu appears to launch a drill-by, drill-through, hold manager, etc. It would be interesting to have a submenu for Actions with a list of actions to launch.
Today, in a dynarang...
Option to set Element styles and format in bulk (for View formatting)
At the moment, you can set the dynamic view only for one element.A great addition it would to be able to set the format in bulk, and not for each element individually in the modeler.