Lists are also not possible to use in the Add-in, usually, I create a list where I have a delta to show the difference between the other two columns. A common use case would be to have a pre-made report where you have Plan vs Forecast and then hav...
I created some complex subsets in Jedox Web that I sometimes use in Excel I also create subsets for other users as well. I especially like them because it gives you the ability to quickly combine multiple filters and achieve complex selections.
When working with framesets, only one workbook from frameset is used for printing. It would be good if you could specify multiple workbooks from frameset and the way how they would be printed (e.g. as header) #10961
Direct Integration of Dynatables/Views into Canvas Dashboards
Description: Extend the planned functionality of Dynatables in Canvas by allowing you to integrate newly created Dynatables directly into existing Canvas dashboards in the Dynatable area. This feature is designed to streamline workflows and improv...
If a hot-fix is available, it might be interesting for everyone. It would be nice if all partners are informed and it could be downloaded.
Or if hot fixes grouped together in cumulative patches, it could be released monthly therefore constantly i...
Restart the complete cloud with all services you have to click on seven buttons within waiting time. it would be easier to start it with only one button. Often a theme in conversations with colleagues.
Currently the groovy function editor is not reflecting the high maturity which Jedox Integrator has reached now. You cannot even resize it if you have to develop a more extended logic. More real-time validation of the code and debugging support wo...
Save a set (e.g. 10) of last-used colors and enable advanced color picker everywhere; helpful if you're using a lot of custom color codes (right-now, you have to re-enter color code each time).
Could be saved per server, not necessarily per user ...