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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1296

Custom input / "expression" as source for Canvas KPI Card

Currently, a Canvas KPI Card only accepts a specific cube cell as data source (with the ability to multi-select some dimension elements and then use average, min, or max, like in a View). This implies that all data to be shown on a KPI Card must b...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Holds at Consolidated level allow for adjustment on non-held children

It would be great of we could put a hold at the consolidation level and then adjust the children based on that amount. One could set one Dept and the othe departments would adjust based on the Total held amount. In the attached example (pic1) I wo...
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/NewViews - Show ID_Name and Name at the front

In 99% of the cases the user would like to show the ID & Name instead of the Element name only. Example: PnL Accounts: I want to view 500000 - Statistics instead of only 500000. Currently I have a long list of attributes sorted in alphabetical...
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Future Consideration

Authorise sorting in subsets based on more than one criterion

Today's subset editor only lets you sort elements by one criterion (element, alias, attribute, etc.). It is often necessary to sort on several criteria, for example first on an attribute and then on the name of the element. This is not possible wi...
2 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 1 Future Consideration

drill-down level of dynarange with variable

Enable drill-down begin of a dynarange not only by "hardcoded" number, but with a variable. So you could easily set up the expansion levels.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation / Other 11 Future Consideration

Hatched filling for bar charts.

Hatched fillings for bar charts would allow distinguishing between scenarios without relying on a chart legend or different colors. The IBCS also recommends this. It is also a functionality provided in Excel and it would enrich Web Reporting.
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/Views - allow hyperlinks in rows, with click open another report with preset variables

If I view a dynatable with the list of employees I would like to see details. I would like to click on a link next to the "Employee" row and a report should open with the preset variables of this employee: Employee, Cost Center, Legal Entity,... V...
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Centralized connection manager for the Excel 365 Add-in

Recently, a new Excel Add-in was deployed at the company, compared to the existing on-prem Add-in the deployment was faster and easier. However, management for connections is not supported centrally yet. It would be great to manage those settings ...

Indicate, if a componant has an action

Comboboxes (or more generic buttons) sometimes have actions. It can be very inconvenient or even frustrating, if you forget about automation, which is bound to these components. Often you also simply copy an existing report/ canvas and continue to...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Web Spreadsheet 1 Future Consideration

Make "error" messages more meaningful for end users

Especially, when a session has expired or the server is temporarily unreachable, and/or the issue is most likely not with Jedox itself! The screenshots' alleged "critical error messages" are reactions to an "expected system behavior". Today, the e...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Planned