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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1284 of 1284

Modern and dynamic looking list

Add a modern and dynamic list. View screenshot. Currently we cannot create this list neither with spreadsheet nor with views. So the list using the information from a dimension, the status shown with radius and colors depending on the status, icon...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Future Consideration

Add documentation on how to add an additional dimension

Please add a documentation on how to add an additional dimension. Which reports need to be adjusted? Which Integrator processes? Which rules? The documentation would help to enhance the solution for customers faster.
6 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 1 Future Consideration

Move options Run and Data preview to the very left of the transform/load options bar

Move options Run and Data preview to the very left of the transform/load options bar. I spend half of my life as a Jedox consultant with scrolling to the right ;)
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Planned

Automatic updates for Drill-through tables

I would like the ability to automatically update Drillthrough tables when the originating cell changes, without the need to generate a second drillthrough. Sometimes, after the drill-through is created, other analyses and calculations are added to...

Offline mode for the 365 Add-in

There may be times when Jedox connectivity is unstable for our end users. This can be particularly challenging for those in remote locations. I would also like the option to view the original spreadsheet without updates, ensuring that users can al...

In a cube with persisted relational ETL drillthrough data, allow cube-drilldown in areas where no relational data is available.

As of version 2023.4, the Jedox drillthrough capabilities have become a native functionality outside of the SVS scripts. In the KB it says for the mode automatic: drills through if ETL is available, or else drills down. This suggest that right-cli...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Drill-by feature rights flexibility

Our users cannot use the drill-by feature (or the new dynatable feature) because they have some restrictions on their rights within a cube - even though the rights don't affect what they would see. For example, if they can't access a legal entity,...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Planning & Analytics 1 Future Consideration

Modification for Actual Months rule template

From, Actual Months rule template, "If fiscal year is used, it returns a list of the first months of each fiscal year." The partner wants the rule template to give t...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New views - Adjust selection logic

Currently when I select the dimension Month in columns or rows all parallel hierarchies are automatically selected. Use case: I want to view data for May and June 2024. With the spreadsheet views I need 4 clicks: I only selected what I need: Open ...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Support Dynarange Merged Cells

From , " DynaRange operations use various mechanisms of copying and moving sheet structures (initializing, expanding, and collapsing). In combination with merged cells, this may lead t...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration