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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 1174

Support Number Formatting for Views in the Word Add-In

Currently, when inserting a View using the Word Add-In, the numbers do not retain their proper formatting (e.g., percentages, or custom formats). This limitation makes presenting formatted data directly in Word documents challenging, requiring add...

Canvas - to allow KPI cards has more than 1 comparison

Currently Canvas KPI cards allow one comparison so we can choose to compare to last year actual or budget but in reality very often is we are asked to build a KPI card with comparison to both last year actual and budget and business leaders need t...
2 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - Excel export

What: In canvas it is currently not possible to export a report to canvas. With a spreadsheet report it is possible to export the report to excel. Why:It is an important feature for our prospects and customers and one of the main reasons why they ...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 3 Future Consideration

Support for Calculated Fields in Views in the Excel 365 Add-in

Enable support for calculated fields in Views to allow dynamic data manipulation directly within the Excel Add-In. This functionality would empower users to perform advanced calculations using Views content and dynamically expand/collapse them bas...

Dyntable - create possibilty to export the chosen data

Please create a possibilty to export the data as shown in the dynatable to excel, like in a xls-snapshot. This would be very helpful for quick data analysis.
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Planning & Analytics 1 Future Consideration

Include search field in new cube creation or layout changing

It is a simple thing but the way the dimensions are ordered on the left side do not follow any useful criteria. It would be nice to have something similar to what we have in subset editor where you can type the name or part of it in a field and it...
29 days ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Interactive AI Chat to Configure AI Wizards

Introduce an interactive AI-driven assistant to guide users through configuring the AI wizard in Jedox. Instead of manually defining technical parameters, the chat would ask users intuitive, contextual questions about their goals (e.g. ‘What time ...
3 months ago in Jedox Platform / AI & Automation 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - Freeze panes or pin column(s) e.g. PnL Accounts

Request from Consulting: Some reports are very large and so it is necessary to hide and show columns (works!) and use freeze panes (Not working yet). Example: Finance Report shows PnL Accounts on the left side and if the user scrolls to the right ...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 4 Planned

Security mechanism to avoid system crashes

Triggering a cube extract with a lot of rule-based values inside of it leads to a platform crash (in-memory DB exceedes max amount). A mechanism the stops the action instead of letting the action crash the system would be great. The platform shoul...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Future Consideration

Checkbox for single working sheet download

Please offer a checkbox for single working sheet download (instead of standard option of downloading the whole workbook)
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration