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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1272

Audit Integrator Connection to extract Audit information

Hello, the idea is to have a connection type Audit that enables us to extract all audit information for a specific cube. Also it should be possible to select if the extract is as ID or as element name from the dimensions. This is necessary for sev...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 1 Future Consideration

New log level "Info+"

it could be usefull to have a new log level "Info+" : sometimes it is useful to log informations that are relevant and that you want to catch attention to, but you do not want to cause a warning. A new method "LOG.infoPlus()" or something would be...
over 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 1 Future Consideration

NLM aggregation of text strings (a.k.a. Comments)

example: when users / cost center owners review their expenses vs Forecast we have a place to hold comments. It would be amazing to aggregate comments up to business units with context from the data.
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / AI & Automation 1 Future Consideration

Add "Dummy" dimensions in cubes

Model: Add "dummy" dimensions in the financial cubes to make them more dynamic.Currently we need a lot of effort to add dimensions to existing Accelerator cubes like PnL, BS and CF. We need to adjust every formula and rules and ETL proce...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 1 Future Consideration

Install old model versions from marketplace

As a user of the model installation from the Jedox marketplace I would like to select the model version from all releases from the past so that I can install a model version with a know-to-be-good quality. In the vast majority of cases the latest ...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Marketplace 0 Planned

Option to Deactivate to Automatic Update of Palo Formulas in Excel after Opening an Excel File

With the Excel add-in we have the issue that if somebody without Jedox access opens the file he gets value errors as Jedox automatically connects as soon as the file is opened. We have other tools for which we can deactivate the update functionali...

Web Actions "Close" button cancel process

When the 1st Action of web actions fails, the rest of the Actions to not be executed. Because at the moment we have 3 actions in a sequence and if the first fails the rest of the actions are also started. (but we do not want it) If somebody clicks...
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Planning & Analytics 1 Future Consideration

Various imported manual journal entries should be organized in different subfolders.

The import folder for manual jourmal should allow subfolders so that journals from different departments can be placed in different folders. There is currently no option to navigate to subfolders in the import folder. The selection box in the "...

Ability to edit multiple objects (button, labels, combobox, etc.)

Request for the following features with respect to report objects:1. Drag and align multiple labels/buttons/combobox/lists (positioning)2. Edit multiple buttons for font/layout and size (not positioning)Currently each object needs to be edited ind...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 0 Future Consideration

CPU usage in Cloud Console does not show the number of cores

We need to understand how many Cores are avilable to get any use out of the CPU usage KPI. 70 % usage on two core is a lot different from 70% usage of 16 core.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Planned