Report distribution via email along a given dimension.
Lot of our customers are requesting this functionality, where for example we would need to send the report of a given cost center to its manager. Currently, it is somehow possible using scripts, but we could not get it properly working. So if we c...
Automated Transfer or Designer / Integrator Folders via Cloud Console
Currently, only data models (dimensions / cubes) can be transported between different instances via the cloud console.It would be beneficial if this would be also possible for designer and integrator folders.
MS Connectivity: Ensure Azure Blob Storage/Data Lake v2 Connection also works with MS Fabric/OneLake
Microsoft are heavily pushing MS Fabric and thereby their "OneLake" concept. "OneLake" can be adressed similarly to DataLake v2 and thereby probably as Blob Storage, but I think none of us have tested that. Furthermore, we don't show the wording "...
Data protection concept when downloading documents
Hello team, When downloading documents from Jedox to excel, for example, there is no possibility to sign or add a note in the document.Therefore, from the security perspective it is important for the companies that the data extracted is confidenti...
Time editor: Parallel hierarchy for dummy year elements 2022-~ and 2022-00
Current solution: Currently using the time edior to add the dummy elements 2022-~ and 2022-00, etc. will result in a hierarchy "All months > 2022 > 2022-01, 2022-02, .., 2022-~, 2022-00". This result leads to the issue that it is not possibl...
I would like to propose a feature where Freeze panes can be disabled in designer temporarily. Reason: Freeze panes is a pain when developing a report/template, while it is key in many final front-end products. We see that when doing fixes it is of...
It would be nice to be able to decide which function of the report toolbar should be shown to the enduser. Right now, it is only possible to show/hide the complete toolbar. Could be useful when the enduser only wants one of these functions availab...
Audit trail needs capability to auto download and store files.
It is important to be able to setup an automatic download of the audit trail files on a regular/automated fashion. Clients need this for legal audit reasons and so there is a trail to track if there is mischief. Admins should be able schedule and ...
change variable default in overview & exporting/importing the variables
It would be great to be able to change the default of a variable in the overview of all existing variables instead of having to to click/open every single variable to make changes. In addition it could be useful to change the description here as w...
Hi team, SVG image cannot be set as thumbnail (icon) in a button. Jedox will be a more consistent tool if we were able to have SVG images used everywhere (image, report thumbnail, button, ...).