Add a universal search ("search everywhere") dialog in Jedox Web, that allows to search across a large stack of objects, and then navigate to a specific result; sort of similar e.g. to "Spotlight" feature on MacOS. Possible objects to search for: ...
Similar to SAP, a new connection type to DATEV should be offered, ideally with pre-built extract types, to be able to quickly generate master and transactional data in Jedox.
Adding Actions to KPI card would lead to greater consistency in Canvas, and via the Hyperlink action would allow you to switch from the KPI card to a Spreadsheet or Canvas report dedicated to the followed indicator.
Dear Jedox, I believe it is very useful to access the log files within the integrator. However, accessing the log files is no longer possible due to Kubernetes infra. It would be nice to have an alternative. Would it be possible to create an API f...
It would be super helpful if the reports are shown to the user fit to their respective screen.
There is rarely one screen size used in a company, and that way one could see the whole report zoomed in or out without having to use scroll bars
With this function it is very simple to display reports/canvas centered in another window with the option to hide the scrollbars and window titles with one click and to darken the background color. It is no longer necessary to build a frameset to ...
Description: It would be highly beneficial to allow users to adjust the width of column headers. This could be done either manually or through a defined setting. Especially in cases where headers are long or space is limited in dashboards, the abi...
Custom SFTP users with individual password and individual SFTP keys
There should be the possibility to create from the Cloud Console custom users with individual password and with individual SFTP keys . Also this should include the default user, jedoxweb.