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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 12, 2021

Universal search for Jedox

Add a universal search ("search everywhere") dialog in Jedox Web, that allows to search across a large stack of objects, and then navigate to a specific result; sort of similar e.g. to "Spotlight" feature on MacOS.

Possible objects to search for: Reports (in Designer and Reports panel), Integrator projects, Modeller (database names, cube names, dimension names, maybe element names), user names, group names, etc

Result list should offer navigation capabilities. For some objects, it might be helpful to even offer multiple options (e.g. cubes: open cube in modeler, open paste view on the cube...), although we shouldn't overblow it and keep result list simple and "parse-able".

A possble extension is to allow prefixing, so user could already restrict which objects to search for, e.g. "cube:..." or "user:..."


Report search from cubes

This is our customer's request: They would like to know which cubes are used(referenced) in which reports/spreadsheets in Jedox Web so that they could easily identify which cubes are no more used and thus can be deleted in case that there are many...
over 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Search in the modeler

search through the whole OLAP Server for dimensions, cubes and so on. For instance when you want to see the cube #_GROUP_CELL_DATA_<cubename> you have to enter a click-frenzy mode and unfold lots of items. A search that would directly spring...
almost 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Search everywhere in Jedox Web

The ability to do a google like search across the whole of jedox web across all components. eg the search would scan report manager / file manager/ task manager/ integration manager/ system manager / OLAP Manager for items matching the search stri...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Future Consideration

Add a research bar in ETL Project to found an ETL component

It's very painful to search a component when the haystack is composed of hundreds and hundreds of ETL component. So a simple researchbar to search component by name could be great. And to go further a research bar with filter by category (for exam...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 1 Future Consideration