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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Core Models
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 10, 2021

Show intercompany mismatching amounts in the Intercompany Matrix report

Extend the intercompany matrix report showing I/C relations by legal entity and partner entity to also show the break-down by the consolidation rules. Possibly show all three dimensions nested on rows. Show the measures (numer of intercompany reations, number of mistmatches, number of mismatches in the transaction currency, mismatching amount) directly on the Intercompany Matrix report (possibly as columns). Add an optional filter to show only mismatching I/C relations.

  • Admin
    Jochen Heßler
    Feb 25, 2022

    Thanks for the idea. Is it really relevant to have everything on one big report? Or would it be more concise to have the details of a selected intercompany relationship opened in a separate table within the same report/window? So, the user would click on a link with mismatching I/C relations and below one would see all the details to this subject?


Show intercompany mismatching amounts in the Intercompany Matrix report

Extend the intercompany matrix report from legal entity and partner entity by the consolidation rules. Possibly show all three dimensions nested on rows. Add mismatching amounts to this report.
about 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Shipped