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Dynarange shouldn't change the specified cell with dollar sign ($) in Excel formula

If a excel formula is defined in a cell which is covered in a Dynarange, position of specified cells in that Excel formula is dynamically changed when the Dynarange is expanded. e.g. If "SUMIF($G$2:$G$4,B3,$E$2:$E$4)" is specified in a cell covered in a dynarange and then the dynarange is expanded, "SUMIF($G$3:$G$5,B4,$E$3:$E$5)", "SUMIF($G$4:$G$6,B5,$E$4:$E$6)",etc will be defined in the cells in the expanded lines. I would like to make those formulas always refer to same cell, but even if the cell is specified using dollar sign ($), the position of the cells are changed. Could you consider to change the behavior of the dynarange , so that position of the cells specified using dollar sign ($) won't change when the dynarange is expanded.
    Jul 2, 2019
    Please consider usage of the INDIRECT() function. Strings passed as argument to INDIRECT are not modified during DynaRange expansion.