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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 21, 2021

Support for regional (number and date) settings independently from interface language

This is most likely valid for many smaller countries where the normal setup is English as product language and regional settings (number and dates) specific to to the country. For us - beeing Swedish - many organizations and companies use english language but swedish regional setttings. We actually initially thought that we just missed where to change the format seetings and put this on the todo list to change later in the project- after reallizing that it is not possible to set such a basic thing as number formattting independely from the language this in now a project risk. An ideal solution would be to set interface language independently from the number and date formatting

    Sep 22, 2022

    Thanks for the idea. We have recently shipped this in the latest release of Jedox. You can now choose from several combinations of English language and different number and date format, e.g. "English (Sweden)".

    Please check it out and tell us what you think!