Audit periods 30 days, 365 days are a little too short
When I execute a monthly or yearly process and something runs unexpectedly, then I try to compare my current process with the previous process by examining the audit. But with a 30 day auditing I am simply hours too late. I would suggest, that the...
Extend the storage to capture reporting positions for the notes (text narratives and tabular information) which cannot be captured by the existing cubes. Provide sample data and reports for the most common notes sections.
Have something like a dynarange also available for Canvas frames would enable me to configure several objects (eg. KPIs) much quicker. I could define a KPI layout which would be the same for all, but the metrics displayed in each individual KPI wo...
Create a new Load type to write custom messages to log files.
Create a new load type that allows writing to log files custom messages. Currently possible with and a groovy script job. It would be better if groovy jobs were not required.
Excel reporting package for the Financial Consolidation model
Provide an Excel template for collection of separate financial statements for one entity and in one reporting period. Add a self-service interface for end users to upload separate financial statements using this template.
Make spreadsheet function involving cell reference in paramater usable in PHP
There is a lot of spreadsheet function we can't use in PHP with application like : application() - > isformula("A1") Instead of "A1" we could put an paramater that select the cell A1 like the class range, like this :application() - > isformu...
Disabling feature for Access list in Cloud console
The Cloud console lets you add new access rules for IP filtering. Once created, rules can be edited or deleted, but they cannot be temporarily disabled. It would be useful to add a button to enable or disable a rule.
Being able to align components to grid and other components
Having a function like in Power Point and Power BI, where you can align boxes, charts, tiles, components etc. to each other. Should come with a visible indication of alignment and "magnetic" behavior.